A Most Agreeable Place launched exactly one year ago today, so I’m just going to take a few minutes to mark the blogiversary.

Interestingly, one of the only posts I wrote about a woman turned out to be the most popular: Mary Stewart, a clerk at T.N. Hibben & Co. around the turn of the 19th century, was said to know more about books than anyone else in Victoria.

The series about Seth Thorne Tilley, first bookseller in the Lower Mainland, was also popular. My article about Tilley was also a cover feature of BC History.
Third-most popular on the site was the running timeline that shows when each bookseller I’ve covered so far entered and exited the BC bookselling scene.
In its second year, Agreeable Place will feature many more interesting characters from BC’s bookish past. For now, thanks for following!
Similar Posts:
- Seth Thorne Tilley: The First Bookseller in the BC Lower Mainland
- Mary Stewart: “Knew More about Books than Anyone Else in Victoria”
- “Phoenix-Like”: S.T. Tilley Reopens Vancouver Bookstore after Second Fire
- The Final Years of the S.T. Tilley Book and Stationery Store in Vancouver
- William Harrison and the B.C. Book Store
Keep it coming!